Should I Sleep With Him, So I Can Use The Money To Pay My Parents Rent?

I need answers ASAP! My parents are experiencing very trying times. The family is financially dormant,
Even feeding is big problem,and I know my parents are trying alot to make ends meet but it just always seems hard,Yesterday, the landlord came for the 6th time this year to ask for his rent.
The thing with the landlord is, he lacks maturity when asking for his money. His shout starts at the gate, then when he gets into the compound he starts calling out my dad’s name provocatively and saying he won't leave until we pay his money.
And when my parents go out and beg it the shout increases,he never want to hear a no for an answer... Its pain me and I always feel embarrassed anytime this happens,. 
So, yesterday, our next neighbour after the landlord had performed his drama saw me going out for my JAMB class, when he stopped me and said he had something to tell me that would help me.
I was interested until he said he could give us the money for the rent if I become his girlfriend and have s*x with him every time he wants.
It sounds irritated  at first but then I remembered that the landlord would still come again and the embarrassment worsens with each coming.
Please, what should I do?
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