Criminals kidnapped baby after some hours monitoring of his mother

This guy kidnapped this baby of three weeks old. As soon as the mother left the baby in the sitting room and went into there bedroom to get something, this criminal who has been monitoring the baby's mother quickly went into the house  wrapped the poor baby in a cloth and went off with a bike man who already is watching and waiting outside. Unfortunately for them, as soon as the woman came out and noticed that the baby was missing  quickly raised alarm and got everyone alerted who in mass swiftly responded to an area stop and search team at every junction and in and out of that area, as God almighty who never fails , the Okada developed fault while they were trying to escape through another street far from the baby's home, immediately the sleeping baby raised alarm by crying at the top of his voice which got everyone alerted.

Hhhhhm, this world is really a wicked place,the heart of man is despirately wickef,what if God did not perform this miracle???. What would have become of this child???, Everyone should  please watch and look after their children properly,the world is turning into something else. Men and women wanting to become rich over night.   God will help us!.

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